Filed under: Java, Public speaking, Selenium, Technical debt, Test automation, — Tags: 4 rules of simple design, Clean code — Thomas Sundberg — 2017-09-28
To support ever shorter release cycles you need to automate testing, and to do that, you need to use a program that can verify your desired behavior. One option is to use tools that can record and replay a scenario, but those are a nightmare to maintain, and you'll probably end up writing the code needed for automating the tests yourself.
For automating the testing of a web application, Selenium is a better way. It takes some programming skills, however, and you must take care to ensure that your tests are easy to understand and maintainable.
Writing maintainable, easy to understand tests might seem hard, but not if you follow these four, simple rules of design.
(more...)Filed under: Automation, Quality, Technical debt, Test automation, — Tags: Stress reduction — Thomas Sundberg — 2016-09-01
Brian McCallister tweeted "Current development speed is a function of past development quality."
It kind of summaries why I am passionate about code quality and taking the time early to do the right thing right.
(more...)Filed under: Technical debt, — Tags: Gaining weight — Thomas Sundberg — 2016-08-06
The traditional way to describe technical debt is to compare it to a bank loan. Something you do consciously. This is the way technical debt is described by Ward Cunningham[1] and Martin Fowler [2] .
Even if technical debt is usually described as a conscious decision, most technical debt seem to occur out of the blue. You realise after a while that you have it. If you are unlucky, you don’t even notice. The only indication you have is that seemingly simple things takes forever to implement. Your development becomes slower and slower.